
浏览: 作者: 来源: 时间:2020-10-16 分类:技术支持

星形絮凝设备 Star-type flocculation equipment


According to the control mechanism of turbulent mechanism, set a separating panel in the flocculation tank, and  add fins on separating panel. The panel separates the space of flows, let the flow parameters close to the test parameters

Fins added on the separator can be seen as strengthening the separator surface roughness, the water flows through the fins, the vortex formed, and separatefrom the boundary into the turbulent core. 

Under this control mode, the best flocculation time was reduced into 4 minutes, we already have the cases with 5 minutes , the improvement of flocculation and flocculation efficiency  is very significant.

技术的几大突破 Technology breakthroughs

  • 控制紊流的流速和剪切力,可应付复杂环境,且絮凝时间短。

  • 微涡旋数量增加,节约药剂投加量。

  • 通过阶段控制,结构优化,控制了整个流程的矾花均匀度。

  • Control turbulence velocity and shear force, can cope with complex environments, and reduce the flocculation time.

  • Save the pharmaceutical dosage through increasing the number of micro-vortex.

  • Control of the whole process alum uniformity by phase control and structural optimization.
